Recipe Review: Pistachio Cake

I made this recipe for a small group gathering & it was a huge hit! Many people could not believe that it was guiltless :>)

Weight Watchers Pistachio Cake

I was so worried. Low-fat baking is pretty much against my culinary point-of-view. Nothing compares to the full-flavor of butter, flour, sugar & eggs. {I'm sure nothing compares to the calories either!} I used low-fat CoolWhip, instead of fat-free. Baby steps, people. I wasn't too keen on the flavor of the diet 7-up in the frosting/pudding mixture. Next time, I will probably substitute skim milk in the frosting/pudding for the soda. The cake was amazing! Moist and yummy as the reviews stated!

Based on 12 servings with Low-fat CoolWhip & skim milk in the frosting.
NI: 239/7/0 {calories/fat g/fiber g}

(This is a pretty close estimate as the recipe calculator I use does not have the exact flavor of pudding....)

That would make pretty large sized servings. I would probably only eat a 1/24 serving for 1/2 the points. Enjoy!


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